If you drive around your neighborhood you'll likely see a house or two that have cedar siding that has turned black. Normally that is a sign that mold growth has started. In a short amount of time dead wood fiber has built up on the surface of the wood and it is almost beyond repair. If you don't mind having a house that has moldy siding then you can keep it. If you don't mind spending thousands of dollars replacing cedar siding because you neglected to care for it then its not a big deal either. Normally you can tell for sure if the cedar needs to be replaced or not once you start the washing, or if you push a knife or moisture meter into it and it is rotten then it needs to be replaced (or at least replacing it is your best option).
However, the best solution is to give it a good wash and top coat, every 3-5 years so you're never faced with a black moldy house. Wash it then coat it with a wood preservative. I recommend X-100. It is a ABR product and I've gotten the very best results with it. I also recommend using a the X-180 wash prior to the top coat as it has a additive in it that kills mold.
The only step that remains after this point is to make sure to sand off any of the wood fibers that were raised when you did the wash. This is an important step
Overall it is important to care for your cedar (decks , siding lawn furniture) every 3 years or so so you get the maximum life out of the siding.
Your house will look better too.
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