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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Peel away at a large job

When should I use a chemical stripping agent like Peel Away on my cedar shake or siding?

Answer: When your old siding has so many coats that you can not effectivley scrape them, scuff sand them or use a orbital sander without damaging the contour of the grain. Here is a house in Hopkins in a very high profile neighborhood where the homeowner decided he wanted the shake to look like new. The wood was in good condition and the normal scuff sand, spot prime and top coat paint job was not going to cut it. We used 30 or more gallons of peel away and it removed the paint down to the bare wood or primer. I suspect there was between 6 and 10 coats of paint on it. When we are done I'll post more pics but I can see already its going to look like new.

Here you can see that the peel away stripped it down to the bare wood in many areas and only left a very thin coat of primer in the areas where it did not bring it down to bare wood. After a prime and top coat it will look like new.
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